An "expedition" 3 years in the making

Ok, so my pal Seth Chase and I have been talking about going camping together for 3 years now. We finally picked a day to go not matter what. That day was last night. Circumstances suggested that the best course of action would be to go car camping! I had to smile at myself because I have been working so hard on doing more backpacking, but I really enjoyed this out-of-the-jeep campout.

Even packing for the event was easier, I just stuffed everything I could possibly want into my multi day pack and tossed it in the Jeep. That was much easier than the usual, methodical, almost OCD type of packing I usually do.

We took the right fork of the Hobble creek up and over into an Aspen grove in Ray's valley.

There were still some wild flowers in the area, a breeze carefully quaked the aspens, and the stars were out in their full glory.

Mostly Seth, his father Bob, and I just jawed-on around the fire and relaxed.

Sometimes we spend so much time planning and preparing and then trying to make the most of an adventure, that we end up ruining it. This camp out was a terrific reminder that keeping things simple can make expeditions so much more enjoyable.

All we planned for this trip was what we would eat, and the very general area of were we would be, and it all worked out terrifically.